@article{oai:senshu-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000541, author = {片倉, 悠希 and Katakura, Yuki and 舟橋, 厚宏 and Funahashi, Atsuhiro and 大野, 輝 and Ohno, Hikaru and 横山, 開 and Yokoyama, Haruki and 望月, 俊男 and Mochizuki, Toshio}, journal = {専修ネットワーク&インフォメーション, Network and Information}, month = {Mar}, note = {Some undergraduate students might feel anxiety regarding mutual understanding among group members when they need to join a discussion in a classroom situation. We have developed two versions of the application "CO-MAP" to improve students' understanding of mutual opinions and positions in a group discussion. The first version of CO-MAP was implemented as a non-digital application which could decrease students' anxiety resulting from the uncertainty of opinions and positions among members. The second version was implemented as software that works on computers and tablets and could also decrease such anxiety as effectively as the non-digital version could. Further research agenda is discussed.}, pages = {35--41}, title = {話し合いにおける他者理解と自己開示を支援するアプリケーションの開発}, volume = {32}, year = {2024} }