@article{oai:senshu-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000539, author = {小杉, 尚子 and Kosugi, Naoko and 石井, 健太郎 and Ishii, Kentaro and 児玉, 直樹 and Kodama, Naoki}, journal = {専修ネットワーク&インフォメーション, Network and Information}, month = {Mar}, note = {This paper describes research into the development of an artificial intelligence (AI)-based "talking" agent for elderly people with dementia. The number of elderly people with dementia is increasing worldwide, and the burden on caregivers has become a social problem because of the extreme difficulty of caring for elderly people with dementia. Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia such as "wandering" and "apathy" are increasing the burden on caregivers, and "apathy" has attracted attention in recent years as a factor increasing the psychological burden on caregivers. One possible way to recover "apathy" is to promote spontaneous behavior, such as talking, among the elderly people with dementia. However, Japan is facing a serious shortage of caregivers due to the low birthrate and aging population, and it is difficult for caregivers to have enough time to talk with elderly people with dementia. Therefore, we have developed an AI agent that "talks to" elderly people with dementia, aiming to create an environment in which elderly people with dementia can speak anytime, anywhere, and as much as they want. In this research, we first create a dialogue scenario that facilitates the talk with elderly people with dementia. We have also developed a prototype system of an AI agent that can interact with elderly people with dementia in a scenario-based manner. Our prototype uses Google Cloud Text-to-Speech is used as the speech synthesis technology and Open AI's Whisper is used as the speech recognition technology. We confirmed that the AI agent has the potential to facilitate the speech of elderly people with dementia by interviewing caregivers who are engaged in the care of elderly people with dementia.}, pages = {19--25}, title = {親しみや安心感を感じさせる「話しかけ」ができるAIエージェントの開発研究}, volume = {32}, year = {2024} }