@article{oai:senshu-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000527, author = {上田, 和勇 and Ueda, Kazuo}, issue = {1}, journal = {専修ビジネス・レビュー, Senshu Business Review}, month = {Mar}, note = {人が肉体的,心理的に健康で社会的に良好な関係であれば,その人はWell-beingな状態であり,幸せな生活そして幸せな会社生活を送れるであろう。しかしビジネスの現場では多様なリスクと競争上のプレッシャーなどの影響により,経営者や社員の肉体的,心理的そして社会的健康の面で理想的な状態を維持できる人はほとんどいない。幸福感やWell-beingな状態に関する人の捉え方,感じ方は人により異なるが,個人レベルで,そして人生の大半を過ごす職場レベルでWell-beingな状態の維持を可能としてくれる最低限の要素がわかり,それを経営者が重要な目標にすることができれば,その企業はリスクや逆境にも強く,生産性そして企業評価も高まっていくであろう。 本稿は個人と企業(職場)のウェルビーイング構成要因の関係性について検討し,両者の共通要因を最終的に抽出し,企業レベルでのWell-being経営を進める際の有益な示唆を企業家に提供することを目的としている。 This paper examines the relationship between factors that build well-being in individuals and companies (workplaces), extracts common factors for both of them, and provides entrepreneurs with useful suggestions for promoting well-being management at the company level., If people are physically and psychologically healthy and have good social relationships, they will be in a state of well-being and will be able to lead a happy life and a happy work life. However, in the business world, due to the influence of various risks and competitive pressures, very few employees or managers are able to maintain ideal physical, psychological, and social health. The way people perceive and feel about happiness and the state of well-being differs from person to person, but it is important to understand the minimum elements that can maintain a state of well-being both on an individual basis and in the workplace where you spend most of your life. If management can make this as an important goal, the company will be resilient to risks and adversity, and its productivity and corporate reputation will increase. This paper examines the relationship between factors that build well-being in individuals and companies (workplaces), extracts common factors for both of them, and provides entrepreneurs with useful suggestions for promoting well-being management at the company level.}, pages = {17--28}, title = {個人と職場のWell-being構成要因の共通要素に関する研究}, volume = {19}, year = {2024} }