@article{oai:senshu-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00012776, author = {小林, 美佐子}, journal = {専修ネットワーク&インフォメーション, Network and Information}, month = {Mar}, note = {This paper reports the results of a resilience workshop to provide mental health support for overcoming difficulties to first-year university students. The workshop focused on four aspects: emotional understanding, behavior, cognitive change, and food and nutrition-based approaches. The importance of preventive resilience workshops for first-year university students is discussed based on an analysis of the trends among the workshop participants and their realizations noted in worksheets, reports, and questionnaires.}, pages = {25--36}, title = {大学1年生のレジリエンスを育てるワークショップ : 困難を乗り越えるためのメンタルヘルスサポート}, volume = {30}, year = {2022} }