@article{oai:senshu-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011911, author = {綿貫, 理明}, journal = {専修ネットワーク&インフォメーション, Network and Information}, month = {Mar}, note = {School of Network and Information, Senshu University was founded as an offspring of School of Management in 2001, in accordance with the rapid progress in Information and Communication Technology. Our society has been confronted with various risks in the past 20 years. In 2020, the world including our society was endangered by the COVID-19 pandemic, which was originated in Wuhan. Senshu University circumvented the crisis, using the information technology cultivated in School of Network and Information. We review various risks which our society faced in the past, and discuss the techniques that would possibly reform our organization more resilient.}, pages = {7--10}, title = {コロナ禍で迎えた学部創設20周年 : リスクを乗り越え成長する}, volume = {29}, year = {2021} }