@article{oai:senshu-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010861, author = {間嶋, 崇}, journal = {専修大学情報科学研究所所報}, month = {Jan}, note = {近年,情報セキュリティの確保は,企業にとって重要な経営課題一つである.それと同時に,日本では,業務遂行上の利便性とのバランスを欠いたセキュリティ対策の過剰なまでの厳格化やそういった現場からの認識が問題になっている.なぜなら,この過剰化は,生産性や革新性の妨げや現場の抜け穴探しなどの新たなリスクに繋がる可能があるからである.本稿では,このような情報セキュリティ対策の過剰化がなぜ起きるのか,いかにしたら防げるのかについて議論するのに有用であろう3つ組織論的視座について検討していく., Recently, cyber-security management is one of the most urgent management issues in Japan as well as other countries. And also, excessive cyber-security measures are highly controversial in Japanese companies. Because taking cyber-security measures too much bring them a deterioration in corporate productivity and increased new cyber-risks. Why do excessive cyber-security measures arise in many Japanese companies? How can their companies avoid lapsing into such strange measures? To answer these questions, in this paper we conduct a literature survey and discuss three perspectives in organization studies: practice, adaptive challenge, narrative mediation.}, pages = {1--7}, title = {過剰な情報セキュリティ対策に関する組織論的な幾つかの視座}, volume = {95}, year = {2020} }